Project Details

Single Family Homes

New Home for Mr. & Mrs. Browm

  • Location:: 123 Main Street, Silver Spring, MD 20908

  • Category:: Residential, Interiors, New Homes, Custome Build

  • Date:: October 22 2017

Project Description: I was sold on joining First Round after realizing how core the community was to everything the team did. I saw how focused the partnership was on connecting entrepreneurs to each other and building a rich knowledge-sharing network. I immediately thought, “They’re solving the biggest pain point every founder has.” This emphasis on community was an extension of a genuine focus on founder needs and wellbeing. I previously co-invested alongside Josh, Rob and Phin, and the things they did stuck with me: They’d re-invest in a founder they believed in, even if their first company failed. They’d overlook short-term economic interests in favor of long-term relationships. In an industry where the default is to optimize everything, this resonated with me.

Today, as a partner, I think this philosophy helps us find and work with the strongest startups out there. When prospective founders ask for references who can talk about First Round, I always point them to a few entrepreneurs whose companies didn’t work out. One of the best arguments in our favor is how we respond when things don’t go to plan. If we think a founder is brilliant, we want to see her succeed, now or in the future. We’re not going to hold someone back just to get ours.

Finding truly unique insights into a problem or market is very rare. But that’s also what makes it interesting to me. I invested early in Uber because they understood how painful the current cab experience was, and why that was the case. For the same reason, I love supporting entrepreneurs going after dusty industries like